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School Wellness
     We have a new Wellness Policy that states we are trying to improve the health and nutrition of our students.  Please encourage your child and your family to exercise, improve food choices, and learn about a healthy lifestyle together.  Send healthy lunches and snacks with your child to school like fresh fruit, whole grain breads, low-fat milk, 100% juice, and avoid high fat and concentrated sources of sugar like regular soda.
     CLICK HERE for the Fiscal Year 2024 Student Wellness & Success Plan
     CLICK HERE for the Fiscal Year 2025 Student Wellness & Success Plan

In the event that your child needs any medications during the school day, be it prescription or non-prescription, a form from the school needs to be completed by the parent and the physician and returned to the office along with the medication in the original prescription bottle.

Head Lice
Please check your child for head lice periodically throughout the school year.  In the event that you find head lice, contact the school office immediately.  Your child must be checked the next morning after being treated and will be re-admitted back to school when he/she is lice and nit free.

Prescribed Medication Form
Non-prescribed Medication Form
School Immunization Summary
Asthma Medication Form
Epi-Pen Form
Epinephrine Auto-Injector Form
Food Allergy/Substitution Request
Individualized Seizure Action Plan